Wednesday, June 1, 2011

(Part : 3) My Big One's 5th birthday preparationz... Giveawayz

Just finished another giveaway... for Mohammad's class.

Last time when we went back to our home country I bought these artificial mustaches for kids. They enjoyed sooo much, pretending to be unclezzz.

Mohammad & his cousin Moby, posing for pic

Another "shocking" pose

 So, my giveaways are inspired by that :)

Material I used for printing is hard paper & Foam sheet. Mustaches & Lips from foam sheet were much better. For girls I made lips and mustaches for boys.

I printed lips & mustaches on hard paper

lips & mustaches cut outs

Pasted all cutouts on Bambo Skewers, with glue gun
Please note: I tried to attach them with tape, glue... but nothing worked. Pasting them with glue gun is the best option.

Closer view how they were pasted & DONE.

 Now Comes the Modelling :)


Another Pose
mood changed

"mama basss"

"Ok I am gone, bye"

then i went to my other model, but he was more interested in tasting them..... grrrr
Spiderman was bit helpful :)

& finally i got my perfect models, Mr. & Mrs. Green Wool

though they dont look in good mood either...

Mrs. Green's potraitz

Overall, its a very simple project. and dont take much time. I finished my 30 give aways with in 1 hour. Following are printablez i used for my giveaways.

have fun.

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