Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Light on yr Pocket, single Rod Kitchen Curtains with Pelmet

hi all, i am so excited to upload my first post.... my first porject after hmmmm i can say more then 8 years..... ya dats right... or may be more then dat...
8 years back i was a student + a full time crafter. i used to create something every night. Checking out my room was the first thing my mother used to do after getting up in the morning, & she used to love it.

den came a longgggggggg break... job + marriage and den 2 naughty kidz :)

but now i have planned to start it back again. so hopefully ill b uploading new projects weekly

Now about my first project, its a simple curtain... but the good part is
1. its an inexpensive.... (23 DHS, including Rod)
2. Excellent material (Ikea cloth)
3. No railling, hung on a single rod.
I got material from Ikea As-Is, 13 DHS for curtain and 5 DHS for palmet.

stitched it in 2 hours :)
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